- Email: alena@lastkeyrealty.com
- Cell Phone: 305-304-4150
Hometown: Gadsden, Alabama
Professional Background before Last Key: I was already doing vacation property management, and before that I was managing housekeeping and engineering for a hotel in town!
The story of how I ended up in Key West is as cliche as it gets! I had a friend from college that was living down here, and I went a cruise with her and her friends. Girl meets boy, girl follows boy back to key west, girl falls in love with the island. Once I was down here, it was just the perfect fit. I loved this island, and with my degree actually being in Marine Biology, it seemed like a good career fit…. here I am 6 years later still loving the island, and still trying to explain to people how hotels and vacations properties somehow align with my marine biology background.
Why Key West? Key West is a city that just grabs ahold of you and pulls you in. Everywhere you go you know someone, and every time you go out it's a chance to meet someone new. So many backgrounds and cultures are so easily meshed together here! And I love being outside and on the water, so once I got here I just never managed to leave!
Favorite Restaurant in Key West: I love 915 and Salute!
Favorite Key West Activity: Looking for turtle nests, and anything out on the boat!
Why Last Key Realty? Last key is a family. A supportive family, there to help anytime it is needed and to cheer you on. We celebrate the small and big victories together. When one of us succeeds we all do. It's a support group that is rare to come by, and I'm very happy to have found it.