- Email: patrick@lastkeyrealty.com
- Cell Phone: 305-393-6360
Hometown: Carol Stream, Illinois
Professional Background before Last Key: Was the head concierge of a 5 star resort in Key West. I also owned & managed a bar on Duval St for a short time.
Why Key West? It’s a self-contained little world unto itself. Warm weather, great people and a fantastic community atmosphere.
Favorite Restaurant in Key West: Santiago’s Bodega followed by Better Than Sex. The tapas at Santiago’s is fantastic, truly not to be missed. Then head to Better Than Sex for some mind-blowing desserts!
Favorite Key West activity: Nothing is more fun than taking my son out on a jet ski! Zipping around the island, jumping over some waves, taking in the sights from the water - you can’t beat it!
Why Last Key Realty? For years I’d heard what a stellar company Last Key is not only with how well they treat their employees but the level of service and care they extend to every guest. Lucky for me circumstances fell into place that allowed me to join the team!